Save the Date!
Singin' in the Rain Auditions are scheduled!
AUDITIONS: March 23 and 24, 6-8 p.m.
at Zion United Church of Christ (51 W. Central Ave., Delaware)
Singin' in the Rain has all the makings of a Tinseltown tabloid headline – the starlet, the leading man and a love affair that could change lives and make or break careers! In silent movies, Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont are a hot item but, behind the scenes, things aren't always as they appear on the big screen. Meanwhile, Lina's squeaky voice might be the end of her career in "talking pictures" without the help of a talented young actress to do the talking and singing for her.
In addition to 10 speaking roles, we will be looking for an ensemble cast of moviegoers, partygoers, townspeople, and film crew; as well as a dance corps of tappers and "Rockette"-style dancers.
Sign ups and audition materials coming next week!
Friday, June 20, 7pm
Saturday, June 21, 2pm Matinee
Saturday June 21, 7pm
Sunday, June 22, 2pm Matinee
Directed by Cat Hodge